Upcoming Events

To become a member, create an account on the member portal by registering here. Once your account has been created, go through the join application to select and purchase your preferred membership type.

For renewing members, please log into the member portal using the email address associated with your BTE membership.

Membership types & benefits

BTE membership is open to all genders. All BTE memberships coincide with the BTE fiscal year that runs from July 1 – June 30, unless noted differently below, and early renewal/join begins every April. 

A SWE collegiate membership is an awesome way to prepare for a successful engineering career. As a member, you are part of a community of peers with access to exceptional tools, scholarships, training, leadership development, and networking.

Membership types and pricing are below:

  • 1 fiscal year standard collegiate membership. Annual membership for college students majoring in engineering or a STEM field.
    • Cost: $20/fiscal year
  • Collegiate to Career (C2C). One-time membership payment will last throughout a member’s college career and one additional year of professional membership after graduating. All students are required to have an expected graduation date on their account.
    • Cost: 1 time payment of $50

SWE offers many different kinds of professional memberships, each tailored to our members’ unique needs at different stages of their engineering careers. All new memberships include a one time $20 application fee in addition to the membership cost and are valid for 1 SWE fiscal year, except for Life membership.

Membership types and pricing are below:

  • Standard professional membership. Full or part-time employees working as an engineer or in a STEM field.
    • Cost: $100/fiscal year
  • Associate membership. A person who supports the goals of the Society but does not qualify for membership under any of the aforementioned grades is eligible for the grade of associate. Associates shall not have the right to serve on the senate or board of directors.
    • Cost: $100/fiscal year
  • Full-time K-12 Educators are offered a special reduced membership rate. This rate will be automatically generated by completing the online Join application based on the answers you provide. More information can be found in the More About How K-12 Educators Can Get Involved tab below.
    • Cost: $20/fiscal year
  • Life Membership. Professional membership for life. You can download a Life Member Flyer & Contract here or learn more about how to become a life member here.
    • Cost: A one-time donation of $2,000 or an installment donation plan of four annual $500 donations.
  • Recent Graduate membership. University graduates with graduation dates within the past 24 months and are now working or looking for employment.
    • Cost: $50/fiscal year
  • Retired or Unemployed membership. A reduced rate will be automatically generated based on the answers you provide in the application for members in this group.
    • Cost: $50/fiscal year

Benefits of Being a Member of BTE

  • Advocate for the advancement of women in engineering and technology through our public policy and advocacy work. 
  • Utilize program development and Outreach support to help you cultivate your leadership skills and plan events to inspire the next generation of women engineers
  • Discuss experiences, concerns, and stories on forums to foster diversity and inclusion in our Affinity Groups.
  • Discover a support system of peer groups, advisors, and industry leaders through our global and local events.
  • Take advantage of networking opportunities with practicing women engineers and collegiates.
  • Attend scheduled meetings that allow you to get advice from fellow members and establish lifelong friendships